Smart DL application Procedure. Ntsa rolled out the new Smart DL in 2017 ,the phasing out of the Old generation Driving License is underway and Kenyans will have a chance to apply for a smart DL.The new smart driving license from NTSA  will cost  3,050 Kes, and everyone will be required to have migrated to it by January 2021.

The smart DL will have a chip which will include your  host of information, including your blood type, biometrics, and any traffic offenses you might have committed! This chip that can only be read by special card readers to be used by NTSA.The card comes with 20 Points and whenever you commit a Traffic offense 1 point will be deducted. When the points deplete your Driving License will be suspended for 1 year pending fresh training and later issue of a New Driving License .

This digital DL, which looks much like your ID, will work on a point system where points will be docked for bad behavior on the roads.The card  wil also record all your driving behavior, this information will be useful to insurance companies when determining how to insure you and your car.This will mean that you will get rewarded according to your Behavior on the road .

What is the Smart DL application Procedure?

To have a Smart DL application Procedure you will need to have a Tims account. This is  the Registration to the NTSA Online Portal which deals in all NTSA services including Smart DL applications.


Once you have created the account you will proceed to log in :

1.Go  to  you will see different Tabs ,Username/ID ,Password and Get Code.Input your Username which is your ID number .

Smart DL application Procedure
[Image by]

2. After login, You will be given several options- select ‘Driving License’.

3. This page will have all the details of the current driving license that you are holding.

4. On the left-hand side of the page, select the option ‘Apply for smart DL.’

5.Next ,you will be taken to a page with your current DL details where you will be asked to verify that all information, specifically the class, is correct.Make sure all your Driving Classes Reflect E.g BCE,C1,C2 

6. If all the information is correct, then you should proceed to apply by clicking the ‘next’ button at the bottom of the page.

7. If there is something that you would like to correct, do so using the red link at the top of the page. You will have to wait for your information to be corrected before proceeding with the application.You can visit NTSA offices near you for Verification of the DL details so that you can continue with the Smart DL application Procedure.

8. On the next page you will be asked to make payment, and you will be redirected to a payment page with several payment options:NB : Payment is NON – REFUNDABLE Make sure that all the Dl info is correct.

9.There will be a Ecitizen Paybill No 206206 ,and an Account Number .After making payment successfully, you will be required to book an appointment with NTSA.

10. Next Step is to book the  the appointment NTSA office near you ,they  will take your photo, fingerprints, and any other relevant details.

READList of NTSA offices in Kenya

11. Typically, your smart DL should be ready in 5 working days. NTSA has, however, been experiencing a backlog, and you might have to wait a little bit longer than that.